Training Plan – Lotus Bank Abeokuta 10KM Race

Training Plan

10KM Beginners 8 Weeks Training Plan

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1 Rest 1.5-mile run CT or Rest 1.5-mile run Rest 2-mile run 25 to 30 minutes run or CT
2 Rest 2-mile run CT or Rest 2-mile run Rest 2.5-mile run 25 to 30 minutes run or CT
3 Rest 2.5-mile run CT or Rest 2-mile run Rest 3.5-mile run 30 to 35 minutes run or CT
4 Rest 2.5-mile run CT or Rest 2-mile run Rest 3.5-mile run 35 minutes run or CT
5 Rest 3-mile run CT or Rest 2.5-mile run Rest 4-mile run 35 to 40 minutes run or CT
6 Rest 3-mile run CT 2.5-mile run Rest 4.5-mile run 35 to 40 minutes run or CT
7 Rest 3.5-mile run CT 3-mile run Rest 5-mile run 40 minutes run or CT
8 Rest 3-mile run CT or Rest 2-mile run Rest Rest 10K Race

Marathon Training Tips

  • Keep a training log.

Write down your daily mileage, run times, race distance and times, and how you feel.

  • Always Monitor your resting heart rate

Take your resting pulse each morning before arising or use a smart watch that measures heart rate. Keep track of it in your training log.

  • Take at least one day completely off per week.

Rest, and recover. Two days a week for rest and recovery is okay when you’re new to marathon training.

  • Run three to four days a week.

Include one long run, two shorter runs for speed and strength, and an optional easy recovery run day

  • Avoid last-minute dieting.

You can’t fully carbo-load your muscles if you are dieting and restricting your calories. You will have greater stamina and endurance if you are well-fueled.